BA boss rejects third Heathrow runway

Heathrow desperate to get third runway and willing to do anything to get it

Willie Walsh, the CEO of IAG, says that a third runway at Heathrow is indefensible.

Willie Walsh, CEO of IAG, Heathrow’s biggest customer has repeated his opposition to a third runway at Heathrow.

Mr Walsh was speaking as a panellist at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium.

The boss of Heathrow’s biggest customer said that Heathrow’s proposal to build a third runway at London Heathrow Airport is “indefensible” from a cost point of view”

The IAG boss said that was worried about the current Heathrow proposal because there was now “desperation by the airport to get a third runway and they are willing to do anything to get it.”

Mr Walsh:

“I will not support what would be the world’s most expensive runway. I will fight against it and I refuse to pay for it because the cost will be passed on to me and my customers.

“The proposal that’s on the table now is completely indefensible from a cost point of view.”

Earlier today Heathrow said it would finally agree to a ban on night flights (sortof).

But Heathrow didn’t say that it was one of the preconditions for a new runway – it wasn’t a negotiating point.

Mr Walsh has always been clear that British Airways originally wanted a third runway and bought BMI to get more Heathrow slots, helping BA to compete with the increased carriers that a third runway would bring (including easyJet).


One of Mr Walsh’s biggest complaints is the cost.

Depending on which estimates you take a third runway would cost between £18 billion ($26 billion) and £60 billion.

And large British projects always work but they always, always cost at least double.

The 2012 Olympics were superb, but cost about 400% more than planned.

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International Airlines Group (IAG)

British Airways (BA)

Phoenix Sky Harbor International Aviation Symposium