London Britannia Airport, the proposed six-runway airport formerly known as Boris Island, would cost £47.3bn ($75.6) and could be built within seven years.

Testrad (Thames Estuary Research and Development) said the island scheme avoided the problems of other land-based airport developments including demolition of houses, removal of green field sites, bird strikes, acquisition of private land and demolition of industrial infrastructure.
A spokeswoman said a key point was “separating people from planes” by giving passengers the benefit of air travel but without noise because all aircraft landing and departures would be over the estuary rather than residential areas.
“Most importantly it avoids flying over densely populated areas of London and the South East, removing completely the noise contours and impact which have bedevilled millions of people throughout and around London over the past 40 years,”.
Tstrad esaid the runway configuration would allow three or four aircraft to operate at the same time, 24-hours-a-day in all weather conditions.
Logistics operations would be at Sheerness and the A249 would be upgraded to provide a new M2 connection.
Passenger check-in and arrival terminals would be at Ebbsfleet, next to the high speed rail link, and at King’s Cross railway station in London.
There would be a long-term option of a check-in at the Royal Docks in east London and central London.
Testrad said check-in terminals would be linked to the airport by high speed rail tunnels and the estuary airport would be “car free with no private car access”.
Built on a new island in the Thames Estuary, the proposed new airport would also minimise disruption to London residents.
The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “This is further welcome argument in favour of the feasibility of having a new hub airport in the Thames estuary.
“With so many options available for a multi-runway hub airport in a new location, it would be folly for the Airports Commission to give countenance to the prospect of expanding Heathrow, the most noise-polluting airport in Europe.”
The Davies airport commission is currently reviewing potential sites for more airport capacity in the south-east, including additional runways at Gatwick and Heathrow.