A new city with 190,000 homes and thousands of jobs could be created if Heathrow moves from west London, Mayor Boris Johnson said.
The Mayor of London has released a major new report that sets out several options for redevelopment of the Heathrow airport site if a new hub airport in the south east is eventually agreed by the government and Heathrow airport relocates.
It concludes that redeveloping the site could potentially support 90,000 new jobs and provide homes for 190,000 people.
The Mayor said he wants his report to “kickstart an open, honest and evidence-based debate on the potential of the Heathrow site to provide homes and jobs, in the face of the immense challenge posed by an increase in population for the capital, which is forecast to be equivalent to adding the population of Glasgow and Birmingham combined by 2030.
“My vision offers the capital world-class air links combined with thousands of new homes and jobs. An expanded Heathrow just offers more misery,” Mr Johnson said.
The Heathrow City plan envisions the future if the Airports Commission rejects plans for a third runway and opts for a new hub at Thames Estuary.
The plan envisages a new residential quarter which could be created given the transport facilities and says some of the existing terminal buildings could be used for retail and community use.
Two new large campus universities created at the Heathrow site is another option.
Heathrow misery
Saying Heathrow’s expansion will lead to “more misery”, the mayor added: “I believe there is no question that the best option for increasing our aviation capacity is now to the east of London, just as there is no question that Heathrow would then present a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a new town within the capital that would supply thousands more homes and jobs.
“Londoners should be in no doubt, if Heathrow is allowed a third runway, it will be rapidly followed by a fourth, as airlines move out of Gatwick to take up the new capacity.”
A new hub airport for the UK
Heathrow is not the answer. It is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Transport for London has set out its position for a new 4 runway 24 hour operational new airport.
Opposition to Heathrow expansion
Heathrow is not the answer. It is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The opposition to expanding Heathrow is overwhelming and will make it politically impossible.
Richmond MP, Zac Goldsmith, recently announced a competition to create a 2-minute film showing why Heathrow should not be allowed to expand. One of the judges in Richmond in June will be Hollywood star and West London resident, Hugh Grant.
Information about the contest is available at no-ifs-no-buts.com, a clear reference to the promise given by then candidate David Cameron to try to win the votes of the people of West London. A pledge he dumped. Like he will be in the elections in 2014 and 2015.