Ethiopian Airlines will be celebrating International Women’s Day 2019 by operating an All Women Functioned Flight on Addis Ababa – Stockholm – Oslo route.
The flight will be operated by Ethiopian Airlines women professionals from flight deck all the way to the ground including airport operations, flight dispatch, load control, ramp operation, on-board logistics, safety and security, catering as well as air traffic control, which will be carried out entirely by women.
In the past few years, to mark this occasion, Ethiopian Airlines has operated four other flights to Bangkok, Kigali, Lagos, and Buenos Aires, which were operated by women aviation professionals.
Air India

Air India will be operating 12 international and more than 40 domestic flights operated with all women staff.
The women crew will be flying wide body and narrow body aircraft to many destinations on Air India’s network.
For most or these flights, all services will be done by women, That includes engineers, baggage handlers, customer service staff etc.
Qatar Airways
Qatar Airways celebrated a landmark flight on Sunday 10 March as its scheduled service from Brussels to Doha was operated by a crew made up entirely of 15 women.

The Airbus A350 flight from the Belgian capital to the airline’s hub in Qatar was the first time all crew members – from the cockpit right through to the cabin – had a 100 per cent female roster.
An all-women crew will operate flights between Delhi and Goa
The airline will also start to provide organic bio-degradable sanitary pads onboard domestic flights starting on Women’s Day.
Jet Airways
Jet Airways is planning to operate four domestic flights with all-women Cockpit and Cabin Crew members.

These domestic flights will be also be managed by all-women teams from a cross-section of the business, including Engineering, Ground Handling, Ground Services, Security and Cabin Appearance Supervisors.
N.B. Image credit: all images are credited to the particular airline