Oslo Airport (OSL) has set up six new self-service information kiosks to make it easier for travellers to find the information they need at Norway’s main airport.

Oslo Airport has set up new self-service information kiosks to make it easy for passengers to quickly find the information they need at Norway’s main airport.
The six kiosks are strategically located to help passengers navigate their way around the airport.
Two are located in the departures hall, one in domestic and one in international departures, one in international arrivals and one in the arrivals hall by passenger services.
The kiosks consist of a 46-inch touch screen and will complement existing passenger services at Oslo Airport.
Make it easier to find your way around
“This is a very attractive service for travellers. We know that many people have been looking for services that make it easier to navigate inside the airport. By using new technology we can now help each and every passenger,” says Alf-Einar Larsen, project manager at Oslo Airport.
Calculates walking time to gate
The easy-to-operate kiosks are packed with functions and useful information that will make it easier for travellers to get from A to B. Need directions to get to the nearest cafe or your gate? A map will show you the way. The map function also provides information about the estimated walking time from the information kiosk to the selected location.
If you scan your boarding pass at the bottom of the kiosk, the screen will display your gate, flight number and departure time. The map will show you how to get there along with the estimated walking time to gate, including estimated wait time in the security and passport queues.
“We hope travellers will like the kiosks and that they will find them helpful,” says Larsen.
N.B. Image credit: osl.no